Palestinian teenager shot dead by Israeli soldiers.


Palestinian teenager shot dead by Israeli soldiers

A Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli soldiers. The 16-year-old boy was shot at point blank range by Israeli soldiers. The teenager was killed in the Mughayer village of Ramallah in the West Bank of Israel-occupied Palestine. The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health and witnesses confirmed the incident.

According to a report by Qatar-based media Al-Jazeera, according to the information provided by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the teenager's name is Amjad Nashat Abu Alia. Israeli soldiers shot the teenager in the chest. After being shot, he was taken to Ramallah Hospital around 2pm local time today. Later the doctor on duty there declared him dead.

The teenager was killed during Palestinian protests against Israeli soldiers and illegal Jewish settlers in the area. This protest was held around 11 am local time today. Several popular local anti-Israel groups and the Palestinian Committee Against Israeli Walls and Settlements called the protest.

Local journalist Hadi Sabarneh was present at the scene. He told Al-Jazeera - 'Several groups of Israeli settlers came to the scene with Israeli soldiers. One of them had an M-16 rifle. He said, "Both the army and the Israeli settlers opened fire on the Palestinians. Palestinians threw stones at Israelis during the protests. At that time, a Palestinian teenager was shot and fell to the ground.

Palestinian teenager shot dead by Israeli soldiers

Amjad Nashat Abu Aliya's cousin Nasser told Al-Jazeera that he was only 30 feet away from his brother when he was killed. He said the Israelis were firing indiscriminately. Nassar also said, "They were shooting to kill." None of the shots were being fired on the ground but above waist height.'


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